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Anecdote: “I tried to jump into the Potomac when I was young and my mother nearly killed me,” said the CIO. “Now you could drink from our rivers if you had to, which is great, but the cleanup has meant everything is more expensive.” The Environmental Protection Agency was founded in 1970 by Nixon to protect human health and the environment. We’re all better for it. “Across an economy, we make both
Hope all goes well… “We’ve made very clear to China — and many other countries have as well — that they should not be supplying Russia with weapons for use in its aggression against Ukraine,” said Secretary of State Blinken after a meeting of G-7 foreign ministers. “It’s allowing Russia to continue the aggression against Ukraine and it’s also helping Russia overall rebuild its defense
Anecdote: “Lights go on and the rats still scatter,” grunted Bulldog, one of the great trading talents. “That tells you bulls remain too scared. Bad news hits the tape, they scramble for safety, puking longs, buying puts,” he growled. “That’s not how markets make a top. Major highs happen after everyone’s turned into an idiot, leveraged limit long into some kind of Madoff ponzi investment thesis t
Hope all goes well… “It’s just chaos,” said Jackson to the reporter. “That’s the only way I can describe it,” continued my oldest. “The first couple of minutes of it, it’s not lacrosse, I wouldn’t describe it that way.” A matchup between Navy and Army is a game unlike any other, the greatest of American rivalries. “I think it’s just mayhem,” he said, three previous battles with Army under his belt
Anecdote: “Came into the year with my team expecting 50 basis points of rate cuts and with the market pricing 125,” said Lone Star, a Top-5 best performing US endowment CIO. “Now the market has priced out 2-3 rate cuts, yet stocks have gone straight up, so something interesting is happening,” he said. “The equity market is sniffing out AI.” I had swung through Texas, taking the temperature. “Earni
Hope all goes well… “Coach said nothing in the locker room about today’s win,” said Jackson, showered up, back in uniform, welt on his neck. It was Navy men’s lacrosse 3rd consecutive win, tied for 1st in the Patriot League ranking. Next Saturday Navy faces Army at West Point. “Coach just told us to expect the most intense week of practice of this season and said we would learn every last thing ab
Hope all goes well… Dusted off an anecdote from 2018 about the profound changes that had only just started to reshape America and therefore the world. Those trends continue to manifest. Back next Sunday with full wknd notes. All the very best, E Week-in-Review: Mon: PBOC sets stronger than exp fixing – pushing against recent renminbi weakness, Japan MOF’s Kanda blames speculators for recent weakne
Hope all goes well… Spring Break arrived. Mara and I met the kids up in the mountains. Dusted off an anecdote from 2018 about trading, investing, and the illusion of certainty. Back after Easter with full wknd notes. All the very best, E Week-in-Review: Mon: Nikkei reports BOJ will end NIRP and YCC at today’s meeting, add’l Ukraine drone strikes on Russian oil refineries pushes oil above recent ra
Anecdote: “China’s inward turn will still allow for years of 2-4% growth,” said the CIO from HK. “Each year the Party will forecast better times ahead. They’ll say we’re weaning ourselves off bad habits.” Perpetual propaganda. “What’s interesting is that countries across Asia are now waking up to this problem and becoming more dynamic,” he said. “Having tried everything else for 35yrs of stagnatio